Class Three – Years 3 & 4

This is Class 3 where our Year 3 and 4 pupils are taught by Ms Chapman and are supported by Mrs Mason,


What are we going to be learning this term?

Curriculum Overview:

Maths: We start the term by continuing our decimals and fraction topics. We will then move onto learning about money, converting between pounds and pence, finding change and solving problems involving money. We will also learn about time; it would be helpful to ask your child the time using analogue clocks, and finally, we will finish the year looking at shape, statistics, position and directions.

English: This term we will be linking our learning with our rainforest topic and looking at the poem ‘Tiger, Tiger burning bright’ by William Blake. We will also look at stories that raise issues and dilemmas using ‘The Great Kapok Tree’ and the destruction of the rainforest. After half term, we will look at adventure stories and biographies.

Science: This term we will be learning about electricity. The children will identify common appliances that use battery or mains electricity, make simple circuits including switches and identify conductors and insulators. This will include lots of practical work and experiments.

Topic: Our topic for the term is geography based. We will begin the term by studying the Amazon Rainforest, its location, climate and key features. We will look at South America and then concentrate on the Amazon. Following this, we will make comparisons between South America and Great Britain. Again, we will bring this down to a local level and look at the key features of rivers and include a fieldtrip to Levens Park to examine the River Kent.

SCARF: SCARF stands for the values we uphold in school - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship. In explicit teaching sessions we will cover topics under the themes of ‘Keeping myself safe’ and ‘Growing and changing.’

PE: Our P.E slots are Monday and Tuesday but occasionally change due to the weather and hall availability. In the first half term we will be developing sport-specific skills, such as bowling underarm, fielding a ball and returning it quickly whilst playing rounders. After half term, we will be playing cricket developing skills such as performing a straight drive and catching a ball, with consistency and accuracy. The children will also be developing their athletic skills in preparation for sports day.

Computing: We will be developing our programming skills. Children will create programs by planning, modifying, and testing commands to create shapes and patterns. They will use Logo, a text-based programming language. We will look at repetition and loops within programming. The children will then develop their programming skills using the Scratch environment. The children will discover similarities between Logo and Scratch, looking at the difference between count-controlled and infinite loops and use their knowledge to modify existing animations and games using repetition. To conclude they will design and create a game which uses repetition, applying stages of programming design.

RE: Our Christian Value for this term is ‘Endurance.’ If your child has demonstrated this outside school, please let us know, photographs and information will be added to our reflection book and celebrated in class. Our topics in the summer term are’ Why do Christians believe Jesus is the son of God?’ and ‘What is prayer?’ With a focus on Christianity, Buddhism, Islam. The topic for multifaith week is ‘Creation – What do people of different faiths believe about the creation?’

Art: This term we will look at the work of Henri Rousseau and use Tiger in the Rainforest as inspiration for our own water colours, focusing on colour mixing, shades and tones. We will also be producing some landscape paintings of Cumbria in the style of Lloyd Hopkinson.

French: We will be learning all about sports and hobbies this term along with developing use of the present tense correctly.

DT: In DT we will be linking our topic with the science electricity topic and making torches. We will also be extending our sewing skills by looking at fastenings and making our own book sleeves. If you have any spare pieces of felt at home (A3 size) these would be gratefully received and put to good use!