Class Two – Years 1 & 2

Class 2

Here is the formation of handwriting that we are learning in class 2!


Summer Term Curriculum 2024:

Maths: To start the summer term off we will be continuing with multiplication and division. As we move further into the summer term, we will develop our learning of length, height, mass, capacity and temperature, fractions, time, statistics and position and direction.

English: We will begin by reading Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett developing our literacy skills by writing postcards and a newspaper article.  During the second half of the term, we will be focusing our English work on Welcome by Barroux with a focus on non-fiction texts and creating our own animal fact files relating to our geography. We will continue to enhance our vocabulary skills during our English lessons.

Reading will play a big part in getting to know and understand our whole class texts and we will also read independently as well as during Guided Reading sessions (group reading) during which, children will be able to apply their learning from their daily phonics lessons.

Science: Our science topic this term is living things. We will be exploring living things and identifying and naming a variety of habitats.

Topic: (history and geography) During the first part of the summer term we will be focusing on geography comparing Cumbria with the Sahara Desert. In the second half of the summer term, we will have a history focus on changes within our living memory with a focus on transport and how this has changed over time.

PE: Mrs Craggs will continue to teach the children PE on a Monday afternoon which will be athletics. There is a slight change to the PE lessons next term. Robbie from Sportivos will be teaching the children PE on Thursday afternoon with a focus on underarm throwing. PE kits should be in school at all times so that children are able to participate in PE. Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. On a Friday children come in wearing their PE kits for feel good Friday!

Computing: This term we will be learning about programming quizzes based on animals and an introduction to animation.


 RE:  Our whole school Christian Value is ‘Endurance’ this term. There will also be learning linked to why the Bible is special and why people think Joseph is a Bible hero.

DT: We will be exploring mechanisms and creating a fairground wheel.

Art: As well as expressing ourselves and exploring different media in our creative area, we will continue to look at buildings in our local area and create some architectural prints of them. We will also be creating a self-portrait using collage looking at the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo.

Music: This term we will have a focus on storytelling in music.

SCARF: During our PSHE sessions this term we will be focusing on keeping ourselves safe and how we grow and change.