Sport at Levens

How we spend our Sports and PE funding

Since 2013, schools have received a Government Sports and PE funding grant, provided to improve sports and PE provision.  It is anticipated that this funding will continue for 5 years. We currently receive an annual block grant of £8000 plus £5 per pupil.  We decide how to spend this through auditing resources, consulting on provision, identification of our aims and by measuring the impact and sustainability of our provision.

The sports/PE we are required to teach as part of the National Curriculum are team games, dance, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, outdoor and adventurous activities; the curriculum also covers keeping fit and healthy.

Our aims to improve sports/PE provision at Levens School:

  • To increase provision for promoting fitness, healthy lifestyles and general ‘wellbeing’ for our pupils;
  • To increase opportunities for our pupils to participate in shared sports events and competitions with other schools locally;
  • To improve sporting outcomes and individual sporting ability;
  • To offer new sporting opportunities that take maximum advantage of our excellent local environment
  • To broaden the range of sports/PE we offer our pupils
  • To increase opportunities to use specialist facilities and resources at with other local secondary schools
  • To improve the quality of our PE teaching, ensuring that all lessons are at least good and often outstanding
  • To improve our provision for both SEND and more able and talented pupils in sports/PE
  • To improve the quality and range of school resources for school deployment
  • To ensure sustainability of improvements into the longer term.

The number of pupils within our year 6 cohort in the academic year 2022-3 who met the national curriculum requirements in swimming:

  1. swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25metres. 66% of our year 6 pupils met this standard.
  2. use a range of strokes effectively.  66% of our year 6 pupils met this standard.
  3. perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 66% of our year 6 pupils met this standard. 

The following links will detail how we have spent our allocated funding:-


Sports Strategy 2023-4 Review July 2024

Primary PE Strategy 2023-4 Levens CE School


To find out more about our PE curriculum offer here at Levens CE School please look at our curriculum area.