Class Four – Years 5 & 6

Welcome to Class Four

We are a class of year 5 and 6 children taught by Mr Dean. Additional teaching is provided by Mrs Farraday.

Our class email address is: - please feel free to contact us with any questions you have and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Any urgent enquiries or drop-off & pick up arrangements must be sent to as the class inbox is not monitored during teaching time.

Home Learning Information


Homework will be set and checked each Friday - it must be submitted by Friday morning unless otherwise specified. Pupils who do not have their homework in school by the deadline will be required to complete it during their break time, or complete alternative work. This includes homework which has been completed but left at home. I recommend bringing it in on Thursday just in case! Each student has a blue homework diary where they record what they need to do each week.

Spellings follow a slightly different timetable, being tested and set on a Wednesday. Students will be taught a range of strategies for learning their spellings but please do help them to practise at home. Little and often is the key! 

Online learning Links:

- TTRockstars - We use TTRockstars in school to practise our times tables. Practising little and often is the key to success!

- IDL - To improve spelling, students have opportunities in school to use the IDL application. This can also be accessed from home if needed.

Forgotten your login information? Login information for the services above can usually be found inside a student's home learning diary. If you have lost or forgotten your username or password, please let us know as soon as you can and we will be able to reset it for you.

Useful Social Media Information









Larger versions of this information for Instagram & Twitter can be found here. For the information on TikTok, click here.

Curriculum information 

Maths: Maths in the summer term begins with a focus on shape, followed by position and direction. This includes measuring & calculating angles, particularly in triangles, and the features of 2D and 3D shapes, including circles. Following SATs week, year 5 focus on decimals, converting units of measure and calculating volume, while Year 6 apply their skills to a variety of reasoning and problem-solving tasks. 

English: Following our trip to Patterdale Hall, we will write both a recount of our experiences and a thank-you letter. Further to this, our non-fiction writing will be inspired by the novel “Floodland” by Marcus Sedgwick. Non-fiction writing will be supported by learning in other areas of the curriculum, including writing explanation texts about out science learning on light and electricity. As always, SPaG learning is embedded across all of our English topics, with a particular focus on clauses and verb tenses. 

Guided Reading: The arrangements for guided reading remain the same, with Mrs Farraday teaching year 6 and Mr Dean teaching year 5. Year 6 will initially focus on preparation for SATs tests, while year 5 continue their work on ‘Sky Hawk’ by Gill Lewis. 

Science: We have a focus on electricity and light this term. This begins with electricity, where we explore voltage and measure how it affects components in a circuit. Following the half term break, we move on to examining how light travels in straight lines, and how this allows us to see objects and forms shadows. 

History & Geography: We begin with a unit on geographical fieldwork in which we study maps and make use of our trip to Patterdale Hall to make observations of the physical and human features of our local area. In history, we study ‘Crime & Punishment’ and explore how this has changed up to the present day. 

Art: This term we will be exploring the work of local landscape artists, Heaton Cooper and LIbby Edmondson to create our own landscapes inspired by our trip to Ullswater.  We will then move onto explore the work of Henry Moore creating fluid 3D forms using clay.  

P.E.: Athletics is the focus of our PE learning over the entire term as we examine particular skills and find ways of performing them with increasing accuracy, consistency and control. We also have two shorter units focussing on striking and fielding games: cricket and rounders. 

R.E.: Our Christian value for the Spring term is Endurance. We study the story of Daniel in the Bible, examining how he felt as a stranger in a foreign land, and generate our own questions about the world we live in, considering what changes we might want to make in order to make the world a better place. 

SCARF: SCARF this term has two themes: ‘Keeping myself safe’ and ‘Growing and changing’. We first consider how to keep ourselves safe in a variety of different situations, including online. After half-term, we focus on changes and transitions, including the changes which happen during puberty and, for year 6, the transition to secondary school. 

Computing: This term, computing has strong links to Design & Technology. We first learn how to use variables in code to create a game, before applying our skills to a physical computing device – the Micro:Bit. 

Design & Technology: Making use of our learning in computing, we will make use of the Micro:Bit physical computing device to create a compass which will help us navigate the world around us. We also plan to follow and innovate on a recipe in food technology. 

French: This term our French lessons include parts of the body, types of food and ordering food in a cafe/restaurant. 

Music: Our play production will form the bulk of our learning in music over the summer term as we learn a range of songs to support our yearly production. We will also spend some time on a unit of “classroom Jazz” where we improvise our own music.