Monthly archives: October 2020

Super Science Skeletons

Did you know…

…our bones help us stand up right and move around?

…humans have over 200 bones in our skeletons?

…our back bones are also known as our spines?

…our rib cage helps to protect our soft squashy organs like our heart, lungs and stomach inside our chests?

…the longest human bone is the femur, our upper leg bone?

…calcium in milk and dairy products helps build strong bones and teeth?

Skiddaw class have been learning facts such as these in science this week. We have also made some super skeleton puppets using split pins for the joints. Here we are at the beginning stages. Working together well in our pairs meant taking turns, supporting each other and persevering with tricky details of the instructions. We all finished our puppets before the half term break – great work everyone!




Supertato in EYFS!

Today concluded the work around our final story for this half term; Supertato! The children have enjoyed the past few weeks where they have explored the story in different ways including thinking about how they can be superheroes, making superhero capes, learning about how vegetables are superheroes for our bodies, making evil pea traps and cooking and eating some delicious vegetable soup with Mrs Mason.

Celebration Assembly on Teams!

In these unusual times, we’ve been finding unusual solutions to keeping our school community connected. We’ve been holding our weekly Celebration Assemblies on Teams each Friday so that everyone in school can share in the many successes that have been recorded in our wonderful Golden Book. Here are the classes tuning in!


Part Whole Models in Maths

This week, Skiddaw class have been moving onto addition and subtraction in maths. Here are Year 2 pupils showing their understanding of how part whole models (the circles with some lines joining them) link to families of addition facts. Later in the week, they went onto look at how subtraction calculations can be represented by these part whole models too.



Why is there so much hunger in the world?

Enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone; so why are so many people hungry? Year 5 + 6 pupils worked together to find out just how unequally the world’s food is distributed.

Our work began with a series of challenges.  First, we had to identify the continents of the world and try to decide which were the most densely populated.  Most of us, used our knowledge of the world and considered the size of the continents to try to figure this out, but when we were presented with the actual population for each continent, we realised our estimates were not always accurate!

We then moved on to presenting the population for each country and its share of the world’s food using Lego figures, shreddies and a world map.

Each Lego figures is equivalent to 100,000,000 people and each of our Shreddies represents 2% of the World’s food.

We were shocked to discover that the continents with the highest populations actually had the smallest share of food.

For example: Asia’s population was represented by 36 Lego people and had to share just 3 shreddies representing just 6% of the World’s food.  Just 5 Lego figures represent North America’s population who have as much as a 50% share of the World’s  food!  How can this be fair?

Our learning today  made us realise just how unfair our food is distributed and how fortunate we are to have enough to eat and never experience hunger.  Our discussions and our thinking contributed to writing some very powerful prayers to say thank you to God and to pray that the world’s leaders and governments will do more to bring about change so that everyone, regardless of where they live, has enough to eat.

Our Harvest Service

Throughout this week’s harvest theme all classes have been busy recording these videos.

Year 1 are singing Autumn Days; Reception are reciting a poem Harvest Time is Here Again; Year 2,3 &4 are performing a song called Moving Along which talks about the changes in the seasons; Year 5&6 finish our service with prayers they have written this week.

Harvest Thanks

This week, we have been thinking and reflecting on Harvest. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone from every class for bringing in such an abundance of wonderful produce. We will be making a visit to Kendal Food Bank to deliver the goodies and we know that lots of families who live in our local area will be benefiting from eating these nourishing foods.

Thank you!


Ice Cold Learning

In Science, Scafell have been learning all about different materials and their properties. Engineers choose materials for their projects very carefully because they know that the properties of a material affect how well it does the job.

We’ve been looking in depth at thermal conductors and insulators. Insulators can be found all around the home from cool boxes keeping unwanted heat away from a picnic to frying pans helping to cook our eggs evenly.

To put our knowledge into practice, we designed and built our own devices to keep an ice-cube cold. It’s warm in school with all of the radiators on, so we had to choose our materials wisely to insulate the ice-cube and make sure it didn’t melt!

Scafell did well in choosing sensible materials for the job and managed to keep their ice-cubes alive all the way through break time and beyond – a much better result than the control ice-cube sat on the side!

Hot and Cold Climates in Year 1


Further to our geography work on ‘seasons’, year 1 have been learning about location of hot and cold countries in the world. On Monday, we discussed the difference between ‘weather’ and ‘climate’ .  We had some furry visitors in class.  Some children chose different animals and we talked about whether they might live in hot or cold countries.  We then matched the animals to the climate.  On Tuesday, we looked at the globe and talked about the Equator and why countries close to this imaginary line are hotter, whilst countries further away are colder.   We used this information to highlight the hot and cold areas of the world with red and blue crayons.  Well done year 1!