Levens School

Eva the guide dog puppy visits Class One!

Children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed a visit from Mrs Farraday’s guide dog puppy Eva this week. She received lots of attention from all the children and staff and explored the smells, sights and sounds of the classroom. Reception are looking forward to reading to her next week!

X Country Running at Casterton

This week our intrepid x-country runners braved freezing temperatures and a very challenging terrain to compete in the schools cross country event at Casterton.  After several weeks of attending our Friday running club in preparation and a warm-up event at Dallam School, 10 runners decided to brave the elements to go for gold again.

The photos clearly show their determination, focus and stamina as they raced against over 80 other competitors in each event.  All of our children were overjoyed to share their achievements in our Celebration Assembly this morning and were suitably congratulated by the whole school who were in awe of their courage and resilience.   Two children have also qualified for the county finals coming up later this month.

Thanks to all the family members who supported us with getting the children to the event AND for all the encouragement cheering them along the way on the side lines.

Splendid Sewing!

Design and Technology is always a favourite in Class Three and the cushion topic did not disappoint. The children used their existing sewing skills demonstrating excellent running stitch sewing and also learnt how to cross stitch to add decoration to their pin cushions. They produced some amazing pin cushions but also helped each other showing true kindness, patience and team work. I think you will agree their pin cushions are fantastic and the smiles say it all!



Hill Fort Homework.

Class Three have just completed their Stone Age to Iron Age topic. We really enjoyed learning about Iron Age hill forts and their defensive features and learning about round houses. The children were set the challenge of designing a hill fort using any method they wanted to, the more creative the better. Here are a selection of our hill forts and round houses. I think you will agree they are amazing!


Provision in Class 2.

The children really enjoy spending time in the different learning areas of the classroom. When they create something they are really proud of that they can’t keep they love to take a picture of their creations! Here are a few from this term…

Maths, maths and more maths!

We have been learning to count forwards and backwards from 1-100 over the past couple of weeks. We have also been learning the value of tens and ones of each number using lots of different practical materials to help us!

Here are some pictures of us playing games and learning our numbers to 100.

KS1 Christmas Party!

Class 1 and 2 enjoyed their Christmas party on Monday. They played lots of different games and enjoyed spending time with their friends.

Class 4’s Cuddly Creations: From Design to Stitch

Our budding young designers in Class 4 have been hard at work recently bringing their imaginative ideas to life! Our task has been to create a small stuffed toy – following a rigorous design process, the students meticulously planned their stuffed toys, considering factors like size, shape, and color.

Once the designs were finalized, it was time to get stitching! Armed with needles and thread, the children carefully constructed their toys using the blanket stitch technique. This traditional stitching method not only strengthens the toy but also develops essential skills like patience and resilience – it’s not easy!

To gain valuable feedback from their target audience, students in year 6 spent an afternoon showing their creations to their nursey buddies. We’re incredibly proud of our young designers and their amazing creations!

The Fleece Force!

Reception, Year 1 and 2 did an amazing performance for our nativity this year, The Fleece Force! They all put so much effort and determination into their performance, after many hours of rehearsals, really did pay off! Well done Class 1 and 2. Thank you to everyone who supported the nativity, this could not happen without you! Merry Christmas.