
Why is there so much hunger in the world?

Enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone; so why are so many people hungry? Year 5 + 6 pupils worked together to find out just how unequally the world’s food is distributed.

Our work began with a series of challenges.  First, we had to identify the continents of the world and try to decide which were the most densely populated.  Most of us, used our knowledge of the world and considered the size of the continents to try to figure this out, but when we were presented with the actual population for each continent, we realised our estimates were not always accurate!

We then moved on to presenting the population for each country and its share of the world’s food using Lego figures, shreddies and a world map.

Each Lego figures is equivalent to 100,000,000 people and each of our Shreddies represents 2% of the World’s food.

We were shocked to discover that the continents with the highest populations actually had the smallest share of food.

For example: Asia’s population was represented by 36 Lego people and had to share just 3 shreddies representing just 6% of the World’s food.  Just 5 Lego figures represent North America’s population who have as much as a 50% share of the World’s  food!  How can this be fair?

Our learning today  made us realise just how unfair our food is distributed and how fortunate we are to have enough to eat and never experience hunger.  Our discussions and our thinking contributed to writing some very powerful prayers to say thank you to God and to pray that the world’s leaders and governments will do more to bring about change so that everyone, regardless of where they live, has enough to eat.

Our Harvest Service

Throughout this week’s harvest theme all classes have been busy recording these videos.

Year 1 are singing Autumn Days; Reception are reciting a poem Harvest Time is Here Again; Year 2,3 &4 are performing a song called Moving Along which talks about the changes in the seasons; Year 5&6 finish our service with prayers they have written this week.

Harvest Thanks

This week, we have been thinking and reflecting on Harvest. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone from every class for bringing in such an abundance of wonderful produce. We will be making a visit to Kendal Food Bank to deliver the goodies and we know that lots of families who live in our local area will be benefiting from eating these nourishing foods.

Thank you!


Thoughts on our Changes Assembly

In class assembly today, Skiddaw class reflected on these important questions of change. Their responses were interesting, many and varied.

What has changed in your lives recently?

RJ – seasons, HR – leaves on the trees, JG – everything!,  IW – our classroom, CH – we have grown taller, AR – our bones weaken as we get much older

What has changed in nature?

RK – hedgehogs hibernating, DP – birds flying off to warmer places (migration), Heating coming on in our houses as the weather gets colder.

How do you feel about these changes?

Some are exciting and we look forward to them, others can be a bit worrying.

Who helps you through changes?

Mums and dads and families, our teachers and our friends.

People of many faiths believe that God is like a parent or a carer. Even when everything changes, he is always the same and ready to help us.



Easter Fun

Thank you to all who sent us your photos of you enjoying Easter this year. Here is a selection from Bowfell, Skiddaw and Scafell.


Rock Around the Flock

This year’s whole school performance was another magical show for us to enjoy.  Well done everyone on your three brilliant shows last week:

Children in Need

Thank you to everyone who supported our activities for Children in Need last week.  Our PJ day and cake sale, organised by our seven enthusiastic and dedicated school councillors, raised a staggering £185!  Well done everyone!

Scafell Class visit St. John’s Church

As part of our learning about God this term, Scafell Class visited St. John’s Church.  The pupils have been learning about the word’s that Christians use to describe God: omniscient, omnipotent, holy, eternal, spirit, loving and omnipresent.  On our visit, we were particularly looking at what the artefacts, symbols and furniture in Church tell us about God.

Our work this term continues with looking at other Christian churches and making comparisons.

We Will Remember Them

This morning, we spent a few moments reflecting and remembering the contribution so many made so that we can enjoy life in a democratic society.

Our service was led by Reverend Bryan in the grounds of St. John’s on the 11th day of the 11th month. At 11am we stood in silence to remember and respect those who gave so much.  Each class made a wreath that was laid at the foot of the war memorial and some of our oldest pupils read the names of soldiers from Levens who had fought in World War I and II.

We were joined by members of the community and parents.