Monthly archives: November 2020

A Greek Banquet

To celebrate achieving 1000 class points since the beginning of term and the end of our geographical study of Greece, year 5 and 6 enjoyed a delicious banquet.   We had lots to try including: dolmades, feta cheese, hummus, Greek yoghurt with honey, tzatziki and pitta bread.   Most were even brave enough to try some octopus too!

Live link to Westminster

Our Year five and six pupils all enjoyed a live link to the Houses of Parliament as part of their learning during UK Parliament Week.

We learnt all about the House of Commons and the House of Lords, how laws are made, the role of Mr Speaker, elections, voting and much much more!

Scafell Class were quite eager to pass a bill to reduce the school week to 4 days, however Baroness Farraday and Lord Dean, who sit in the House of Lords, opposed this motion.

















UK Parliament Week at Levens

This week it is UK Parliament Week and across school we have been learning about democracy and how our country is ruled and run. You might just be able to read the questions and answers on Skiddaw’s display but can you link them up correctly?

Years 2,3 and 4 have also been learning about incredible people who have stood up for what they believed in and helped to make their country a fairer place for all. Rosa Parks’ courage and dignity, that sparked the movement that ended segregation in the USA, and Emmeline Pankhurst, who dedicated her life to fighting for women’s voting rights, are among those heroes we have learnt about who showed such strength and bravery that is still so relevant today.

We have also voted in our own elections for School Council this week. Drum rolls preceded the announcement of each successful year group representative during today’s Celebration Assembly. Well done to all who put themselves up for nomination and made such thoughtful speeches about their ideas. We have experienced Democracy in Action!