Experience Easter 2021

This year, our new outdoor classroom area was the main focus for Experience Easter. Each day this week, classes have taken time to reflect on different stages of the Easter story – The Garden of Gethsemane, Caiaphas’s Courtyard, Golgotha and the Garden Tomb. We finished with planting seeds and colouring butterflies as signs of new life. Thank you to Pam Martin for providing all the content and to Miss Butler and Mrs Haslam for preparing us in school and creating our visual scene settings each morning. St John’s Church is hosting a similar event in the church grounds this week and have extended an open invite all members of the community to Experience Easter for themselves.

Happy Easter everyone!

Year One Easter Egg balloons

Year One have been learning about the significance of Easter for Christians this term and finding out about some of the ways they mark the celebration. They have found out about why signs of Spring signify that Easter is on its way and made the connection between new life and the happier part of the Easter story when Jesus comes back to life. They also found out about the importance of the colour purple at Easter time and have made their own Easter egg balloons which they decorated with pictures related to Easter.

Chinese New Year in EYFS

Our children in EYFS enjoyed learning all about Chinese New Year before the half term holiday. We had some amazing creations from fortune cookies to lanterns, to junk model dragons and everything in between! We also learnt how to say ‘hello’ in Chinese, found out about the origin of the Chinese New Year story and had a go at writing our name using the Chinese alphabet.

The Festival of Light

Reception have enjoyed learning all about Diwali – the Hindu Festival of Light which took place on Saturday the 14th November. They learnt about how people celebrate Diwali and enjoyed trying on some traditional clothing, creating Rangoli patterns, Mendhi hand patterns and making our own diya lights.