Daily archives: 16th November 2021

So much Maths!

Last week we were super busy in our Maths lessons. Year One were using different representations to help deepen their understanding of addition including number bonds. Year Two were using mathematical vocabulary and symbols to compare numbers and number sentences.

In addition to our daily Maths lessons we also started our new Mastering Number lessons. These are three to four short lessons per week that focus on strengthening our understanding of number and improve our fluency with number facts.

The Making of the Mural

Work has begun on our fabulous mural in the dining room!! Make sure you keep an eye on how it develops over the next few days and weeks!

Thank you once again to the Michelle Jurd Memorial Trust and to our artist, Sophie Martin!

School Council at the Foodbank

Thank you everyone for your wonderful Harvest gifts that were distributed to Kings Foodbank last Tuesday morning.

Before leaving for the foodbank, School Councillors had been busy sorting through all the donations.  They arranged them into groups according to the type of food e.g. beans, cereals, pasta, vegetables.  Then we used marker pens to clearly label each tin with the expiry date before putting all the produce inside boxes and bags to carry. By doing this we were really helping reduce the work involved by all the volunteers at the foodbank.

After carrying very heavy bags though the wet streets of Kendal, we finally arrived at the Foodbank where we were met by the manager.  We were extremely fortunate to be able to take a peek inside where we learnt about how the food is stocked, organised and how it benefits our community.  We were also able to gather together a food package for one person to last 5 days!

Some of the School Councillors were also making enquiries about opportunities to volunteer there in the future.

Well done and thank you to our School Council for taking these donations to the Foodbank.  This year, your gifts were shared between Milnthorpe and Kendal Foodbank.

Caring for our environment

Children from all across our school have been involved in planting bulbs and winter plants in our outdoor shelter, Bowfell’s outdoor area and around our school.

Our Eco Team are responsible for making sure they are regularly watered and all the children in EYFS are busy sweeping all the autumn leaves away to keep our environment looking tidy.