Experience God’s Goodness in Creation

We walked down to St John’s Church in the glorious sunshine on Thursday to take part in Experience God’s Goodness in Creation.  Members of St John’s congregation lead stations for us to visit focused on Harvest and the wonders of the natural world.

Harvest of the earth, the soil, the grain, the oceans and the animals involved us in drawing, using our sense of touch, spotting things in pictures and thinking about where things come from that we might take for granted!

Many thanks to all the volunteers from St John’s who made this experience so engaging and especially to Pam whose thorough organisation ensured a  smooth and successful morning.

Back at school we have made pledges about how we could make a difference and these are on our tree in the library. They are really worth a read as there are good ideas for us all. If we can each do a little bit, those little bits add up to a big bit! What might you pledge?